Live, Laugh, Linger…


The HusbandMan and I took a week cruise to Alaska. We’ve done cruises before and I know they aren’t for everyone, but I love them because I get to see SO MUCH. We went to Juneau, Skayway, and Victoria and saw the Dawes Glacier. We cruised down Endicott Arm (I didn’t know what this was either… but it’s a pass coming out of the Dawes Glacier and we saw SO MANY whales.

We were dedicated. Others came to the window for a while, but the HusbandMAN sat there for FOUR hours with me. We saw over 50 whales including humpbacks, minkes, orca and Dell’s porpoises. There’s also some video of a whale playing outside our balcony one morning over on my Facebook page (click here).

Normally, I go visit a place and love it and check it off my list. We are now trying to figure out how to get the whole family to Alaska next year! Also, I have to set a book or maybe a whole series there.


  1. Skagway (AK) views, and 2) seals at Victoria, BC. 3) Me at Dawes Glacier, and 4) the Iditarod dogs at Mush Camp! 5) Views from the mountain and 6) off the deck as we left the Dawes Glacier.

Break Time!

I did it. I took a full week off of writing and I don’t think I’ve done that in over a decade. I love writing! But I just kinda cracked on Monday. Everything went bonkers, nothing was working and I’d had enough. So I quit.

I shamelessly stole this pic from “Bad stock photos of my job.” And, yeah, none of us look like that. Writing is hard work. Not physically, but it’s mentally exhausting. And if you want to sell any of your books? Good luck. If you’re not aware, Amazon is the big guns and they change their rules and algorithms with the wind. So you can be on top one day, and then have a month or more where nothing you’ve done before works.

So hug a writer friend! Tell them you love their books and leave a review. Because that’s what we’re writing for!

Thank you for being a reader.

Breathless — and what the South means to me.

I grew up in East Tennessee, though it wasn’t in a typical southern town, we had Southern people all over.

I started this new series with those amazing women in mind. The “belle” has a history that can be hard to disentangle from “Tara” and eras gone by. But I’ve met enough of these “New Belles” that I wanted to give them their own stories. I think people don’t realize that the South has been home to East Indian and Muslim communities for generations–and these women also have a drawl and make a mean sweet tea. 

Your modern belle’s mama may have wanted her to get married, and her daddy may have wanted her to get a job with “the company,” but she knows the world doesn’t work that way anymore. There are belles in every walk of life now. They come from a much wider variety of backgrounds than people may think, and most belles today have never seen a cotillion. 

I wrote this series for all those women who would never let anyone give a gift without getting a handwritten thank you note, and they equally won’t let anyone say a mean word without getting put in their place. They know that y’all means all. They’ll offer you a drink or lead an army into battle. 

These books are for you. 

New Year, New Resolutions…

I’m generally not one for resolutions (I mean, I’m no better than anyone else, and I break them! So what’s the point?)

Thus, this year (though my family did just get a new gym membership) that’s got nothing to do with resolutions. I have another one in my newsletter. It’s a good one. But I love the end of this video. Red Table Talk is wonderful.

This is my resolution, to greet everyone with this sentiment: Hello, Cousin.

Best Song of 2018?

A puppy-dog birthday!  Our “little” ones turn one year old!

Birthday this week. They are pushing 50+lbs each (which is incredible considering they started at smaller than 1.5lbs each! — see the Day 1 pic at the end)

They have learned to sit, stay, come, go, (mostly) lay down, “go to bed” (into their crate), not jump on people, and wait for a treat in front of their face or on the ground until they are told “okay” to eat it. They are such good puppies and love to play with their older brothers. They have free run of a 1.5 acre yard during the day, and lots of wildlife to interact with. *For whatever reason, the deer really like these two! We have gotten within touching distance of a wild deer when we have these guys on leash. It’s amazing.*

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Danger (lighter brown brindle) and Discord (darker brown brindle)!!!

**If you want to see more about when they first arrived, go to the MORE FUN page HERE

#1 Birthday Party w/ treats,  #2 playing w big brother Mayhem at about 4 mos,  #3 In “Thunderdome” play area at about 3 mos,  #4 Day One, after an exhausting bath, 4wks old.

Just got back from a cruise…. We hit Nassau, Costa Maya, Roatan, & Cozumel

The whole family went, including my dad. We started in Florida at Everglades holiday park and saw the gators and did the airboat tour. On board the cruise ship, Dad stayed in with the kids (16&18) and they mostly had free run. We hit up a standard tourist run of Nassau and got rum cakes (who can resist?) We drank locally distilled rum shots and (of course) then got ourselves a frozen rum lemonade. And there was locally made chocolate, too. Even the canned cokes are made with sugar there. And we had to visit and climb the famous Queen’s Staircase.

Next we went to Cozumel and got a private tour of the ruins at Tulum. It’s crazy busy  for the fact that it’s a legit archeological site. But it was fastinating…. and peppered with HUGE iguanas everywhere.

We went diving in Roatan. And got stung by hydras–ugh. But on the beach I got a margarita and met a monkey. So that was awesome.

In Costa Maya we laid low and played touristas! Had a great trip! Back at home and working on the next series for you 🙂

Much love, ~~Savannah~~

♥ Great short love story. Worth the whole five minutes!!! ♥

Your brain on puppies! because, PUPPIES!

Hope you sleep well tonight. Let Josh read to you . . .

Firefighters and rescue puppies. They do a calendar every year. You’re welcome.


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